Become a Data Scientist and AI professional

Helping the leaders of tomorrow learn to succeed today

Stats&Facts is a community of data analysts, programmers, and DBAs from top MNCs who believe that exploration and curiosity are the best and most exciting paths to knowledge. We are confident that our team’s unique experiences and creative learning style will absolutely be an asset to your career.

Come find out more about our self-directed programming.

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.

Data that is loved tends to survive.

Data is the foundation of data science, and its effective collection, processing, and analysis are vital for organizations to gain insights, make informed decisions, and achieve success in today’s data-driven world. In the world of data science, data plays a crucial role as it serves as the raw material for analysis and informs business strategies, scientific research, and various other domains.

Dedicated Mentors

Our experienced industry professionals are passionate about the subjects they teach and bring this enthusiasm into their lessons.

Creativity First

We put an emphasis on creativity within a structure that has been proven to have a positive impact on learning.

Proper Guidance

Personal placement mentorship + Ongoing guidance after course completion + Opportunity to interact with experts